06. Percussive Birth

My Love: Percussive Birth
The simultaneous sensations of warmth and pain punched through his chest with the percussive force of a tidal wave. He felt a fierce jolt and a strange sense of tenderness wrapping him. For a moment all time had stopped. He was in the presence of an intense bright light which should have blinded him with its intensity but somehow did not. It was as if he was seeing not with his eyes but with some other sense previously unused.
He heard voices of friends passed and felt what could only be described as hands upon his shoulders and running down his back, and then with the same lack of warning pain returned. He was being punctured. Torn. The wave moved him and fractured him into dozens of shards which could no longer be called “him” but rather the echoes of everything that he had been before the encounter. For a moment he was aware of each of the new pieces, which were now beings unto themselves; occupying distinct dimensionality, forging unique paths on their new separated timelines, experiencing their own consciousness.