16. Frantic

Ripple: Frantic
The tree was grasped for only a moment before the creature dropped it, almost as if it had grabbed it on accident and after having identified it through touch alone let it go.
From its erratic movements it was now apparent that the being was lost, a ship without a captain frantically tossing itself around in a desperate search for something it could just barely sense and not quite pin-point. The child seemed to be its beacon through whatever dense fog it was trying to navigate.
Soon enough Sienna, and the man had no hope of outpacing this machine, even in its lumbering and awkward state. As the creature thrashed and felt the ground the man was struck and propelled backward as if he were weightless.
Finally, as if having an epiphany, the machine slowed to a gentle sway and gently reached down and plucked Sienna and the child from the ground, righted its course, and started to slowly wander away, leaving a wounded survivor in its wake.