11. Disturbance

Ripple: Disturbence
A few weeks breezed by, but the story of the little boy’s corpse still haunted her. What kind of sick’o would do that? Why the arm? And then, as if out of nowhere, David let out a scream the extreme’s of which Sienna had not heard before. The child was inconsolable as if both terrified and pained at the same time.
Having a child in pain is hard enough to watch, but something about this event spooked her. No sooner had the event started than it stopped and David started to calm down; still shaken and tired but definitely more sedate.
The next days paper headlined stories of property destroyed, seven people killed, several houses broken into, and an unidentified man on the loose in town……”it was as if he was relentlessly looking for something” the authorities were quoted as saying “but we will find him and make him pay for what he has done.”
Somehow those words did not reassure Sienna.