02. At First

My Love: At first
At first there was a blinding light that imbibed everything and within a second all colors were at once bleached from perception and only a hot blanket of glowing white was left. This was followed an unsettling silence trailed lazily by what only could be described as a low dull pop, as if existence itself was nothing more that a carelessly handled balloon.
The woman could feel something happening to her. Something she hadn’t the experience or words to describe. All at once she could not only feel the horrible end of her corporal form, but the end of everyone and everything around her at the same time, as if she was now part of something much larger than she had once known. Her consciousness now encapsulated all the unforgiving arms of her dying star embraced. While she, herself, was ending, she found it very curious to realize that she was still aware and becoming more broadly aware by the second.
Her body, her home, her planet, her star were no more. Yet, she had began anew in a cold, violent, formless womb in space where she the person, daughter, friend had once been.